Huntsville’s Nova Center for Youth & Family’s Substance Abuse (SA) Program offers 13-18-year-olds an array of services to best fit the needs of the individual. We know how tough it can be to take on something so big alone. That’s why we’re here to help guide you in the right direction.

What We Do:
We help guide children and adolescents experiencing substance use disorders to a brighter future by working one-on-one in group settings and/or with family influences.

Who We Are:
The Nova SA Team is comprised of two full-time SA Therapists. They complete SA assessments which are scheduled for 2-hours and can also include a urine drug screen. They also make referrals for inpatient/ residential services if needed.

Specialty Services Offered:

Early Intervention– For individuals determined high-risk for drug use, utilizing the Too Good for Drugs (TGFD) curriculum. Examples include experimentation, high-risk peer group or environmental factors. These individuals have no diagnosis of substance abuse or dependence.

TGFD develops a framework of social and emotional skills through the development of goal-setting, decision-making, emotion management, and effective communication skills in addition to peer-pressure refusal, pro-social bonding, and conflict resolution skills. This curriculum builds the basis for a safe, supportive, and respectful learning environment.

Outpatient Treatment– Substance Abuse counseling in a group setting held one night a week currently using two cognitive behavioral therapy intervention (CBT) curriculums:

  1. Staying Quit and
  2. Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT)

Intensive Outpatient– A 6-hour weekly minimum for individuals with an abuse or dependence diagnosis, using Change Companies Journals which are comprised of CBT based approaches. This level of care will have a minimal of an abuse diagnosis, although many tend to qualify due to dependence diagnosis. The group meets 3 nights per week for 2 hours each night.

Aftercare– A one-night per week program for clients with a minimum of an abuse diagnosis who have completed the first phases of treatment (Outpatient, IOP or Residential) and need continued support to maintain sobriety, using the two current curriculums:

  1. Change Companies Journals (CBT Based) and
  2. The Teen Addictions Recovery Workbook


To register for services, families can call WellStone’s Registration Number 256-705-6444.